Monday 20 October 2014

naradas penance

Maarkandeya Muneendra!Narada was doning penance at Maanasa sarovaram in Himaalaya mountain ranges.Indra was afarid that if Narada succeeded in his penance,there might be danger for his position as chief of deities.So,he sent Rambha,and other apsaras to topple and destroy Naradas cool and his severe and great penance.But they were afraid to go near him and came back to Indra nd expressed their inability.Devendra realised that there was nothing for him to fear as Narada was doing penance to acquire knowledge about,he coolly went back to Devalokam. Narada learnt about Siva mahathyam by his penance and he was satisfied. He went to Brahma and told of his arrival and told about his achievements.Later ,he went to Kailaasam and told about the power of his penance to Siva.From there,he went to Vishnuloka and told Vishnu like this.Hey IMMORTAL SOUL!I became so powerful because of my penance.neither your Vishnumaaya nor Siva maaya can affect me now.You can not do anything and affect me. Vishnu replied him with patience.Hey great sage!entire universe is enveloped in Vishnumaaya and Siva maaya.It aroe from nature would set right those who are proud of their knowledge and power.It is very difficult to gain upper hand over that.You are a philosophical soul.Even then,you are unable to recognise and realise it.All the time,you are roaming around all three careful !other wise,you too would become a prey to it. Narada took leave from Vishnu and started on his journey to roam the universe.

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